Obtain Access Token
Kariz uses an access token to control access to our API via OAuth 2.0 Password Grant. Use this endpoint to retrieve an access token.
You will need valid user and application credentials. If you do not have an account, schedule a demo to gain access. Use this token in the Authorization header of subsequent calls.
The type of OAuth grant being used.
Your developer username in Kariz. This can be found in your account. It's the credential you use to login.
Your developer password in Kariz. This can be found in your account. It's the credential you use to login.
The client id for your application. This can be found in your account.
The client secret for your application. This can be found in your account.
The token that can be used to authenticate API requests.
The type of the token.
The number of seconds until the token expires. By default the token expires every 90 days.
The scope(s) associated with the token.
"read write"